About Us

The Hibiscus Mens Shed is a community based organisation that is accessible and welcoming to all local residents, who wish to involve in a safe and friendly environment. Membership is open to all, regardless of your past working life and skills. Our members arrive from all walks of life bringing talents, experience and good conversation to all.

The Hibiscus Men's Shed (HMS) was first founded in 2015. The organisation has progressed in numbers and daily participants to a membership of over 100 financial members, and going on two hundred persons receiving our monthly emailed newsletters.

Members are able to work on meaningful community projects at their own pace, in their own time, in the company of other like-minded people. Not just community projects but also their own personal projects extending their knowledge and skill base.

Conservation and wild life protection is very much part of our daily activities manufacturing humane traps for rodents, weta breeding houses and bird feeders. Environmental protection not just for us but for those that follow.

The Men's Shed is a place of encouragement for all to take an interest in their own health and well-being. Sometimes, just to be able to chat about health concerns to other interested and sympathetic ears can greatly assist in personal well-being. Good health is paramount to us all, the Men's Shed gives a person that safe atmosphere of old-fashioned friendship and fellowship, all with no pressure but understanding.

Although a Charitable Trust, we also believe in helping other charitable trusts in need.

We are also supportive of various community establishments e.i. schools, colleges, clubs, including Orewa College where we offer services in the woodworking and metalworking facilities.

HMS is a member of the New Zealand national body, MENZSHED. NZ. INC.

Registered Charity CC53197